Thursday, September 25, 2008

Yes...I Have a Facebook Page

I have a facebook page. Yep…a few months ago I decided to set up a facebook page. My children and my wife kind of thought I was a little nuts. But…that is nothing really new. I did it because there were several good friends that I had established relationships with over the years that now lived in other states and I thought it would be a way to keep somewhat connected. And it has…and I have enjoyed it.

I have noticed something though as I have been able to see how people interact on facebook. I see people with hundreds and hundreds of friends…and there is nothing wrong with that…unless people are spending hours and hours of their time interacting through the computer to the point that they have no time for genuine relationships.

I believe that in our culture we have begun to drift away from real genuine relationships of quality to surface relationships in quantity. I have always been a person who would pick quality over quantity any day. Even as a child…I would pick the higher quality toy over a lower quality toy even if it meant I would receive less in the end. As I grew older and began to buy things for myself I did the same. I built my stereo system as a young child in pieces because I would always buy the highest quality piece I could afford…even though it meant waiting to get the rest of the pieces I needed.

Now, relationships are much different than stereos and toys…but, the point here is this…if you begin to fill your life with strictly surface level relationships that use up all of your time to the point that you have no time left for real genuine relationships, then there is a problem.

Take a real look at the time you are spending on things that are not all that important. The things that really don’t add any level of quality to your life or living. Now consider what you could really do with that time if you chose to do something that did add to your life. Facebook is fun and great…but if it is consuming hours of your time sustaining relationships that won’t ever go beyond a computer screen, I think you may need to reconsider the value of what you’re doing.

Even Jesus knew that it was wise to choose a select few to have relationship with rather than a strictly surface level relationship with many.

Luke 6:12-13 – “One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles:”

Have a great and blessed weekend,


© 2008 – Rodney Zimmerman – All rights reserved

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