Thursday, July 24, 2008

To Work, To Worship, or Both?

“I’ll be great in about 45-minutes.” How often have you heard that from someone when you have asked how he or she were doing at 4:15 on a Friday afternoon. They were looking forward to being done with work for the week. Or you may enter a store only to be greeted with the feeling that you are being quite an inconvenience to the person serving you.

America has gone through quite a transition. It used to be that Americans were thought of as very hard-working industrious people. And many still are. But in the midst of this the love for what people do has somehow slipped. It used to be that people went into a work that they were good at. Something that they loved. Whether it was carpentry, or a blacksmith, or a farmer. They went into that particular vocation because they loved it and they enjoyed what they were doing. Pretty soon people started doing something just because it was what there parents did and it was expected of them. Pretty soon it wasn’t so much a matter of what their parents did but rather the deciding factor for a vocation was what it paid. How much can I make if I do this or if I do that? Careers and vocations were chosen by pay rather than a love for what you do.

There certainly not a problem with making a very decent living doing what you do. In fact if you are going to commit a great deal of time to something it is a good thing if you are compensated fairly for what you do. But the problem comes in when you hate what you are doing. People try to justify by compartmentalizing their lives. They worship on Sunday, they work Monday through Friday and they take Saturday as a day to just catch up with things around the house. But the Bible doesn’t really allow for a differentiation between our work and our worship. Our lives should be lived out in a mode of worship in all that we do. How we approach our work should be worship unto our God. How we live our lives at home should be a reflection of our worship unto God. How we take care of our homes and all that we have should be a reflection of our worship unto God. There is no differentiation allowed for.

When we have a great deal of discontent for our work we certainly are not glorifying god through it. Either we need a change of heart towards our work or we need a change of vocation. If you cannot worship through your work than you need to make a change. It doesn’t matter what you do or where you work…how you work should be worship to God. People should be able to see it in how and what you do.

Think about it today. Approach your work with an attitude of worship.

Psalms 34:1 – “I will bless the Lord at all times.”

1 Thessalonians 18:17 – “In everything give thanks…”

Have a blessed day,


© 2008 – Rodney Zimmerman – All rights reserved

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