Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bees Can't Fly...or Can They?

Fortunately for the bumblebee it can’t read. If it could it may find out that it can’t fly. Several years a group of scientists got together to study the bumblebee and determined that because of the weight of the bee, the configuration of it’s body, and the size of its wings, it was impossible for the bumblebee to fly.

There will be times in your life that if you were to judge whether or not you could fly based on the circumstances surrounding you at that moment, you would have to say no. Fortunately for us we do not determine whether we can fly based on our circumstances. You have to wonder; does the bumblebee spend its life jealous of the more sleek and slender, wasp like body of the honeybee? Does it wonder why it can’t have a body like that? Why wasn’t the honeybee given the same opportunity to speed along like the honeybee? I rather doubt that the bumblebee spends it life wondering why things happened as they did. Instead the bumblebee is busy going about its purpose here on earth. It must in order to sustain itself and to stay alive.

As people we can spend a lot of time trying to figure out why our circumstances are different than somebody else’s, why we weren’t given the same opportunity, why we didn’t grow up in the nice neighborhood, why we didn’t get the great high-paying job right out of college or school. Or we can focus our attention on going ahead and getting it done for ourselves.

If the farmer waited for perfect conditions he would never get anything planted. This is especially true in Wisconsin. The weather changes quickly, the forecast seems to always have the possibility of rain. So at some point the farmer decides he just has to go out and do it.
The very thing applies in our lives. We may have a great idea, but we are waiting for the right conditions, the right timing, and the right situation to come around, while in reality there is never going to be the perfect time. We have to decide if it is the right thing for us and be willing to move ahead.

Today is the day to move ahead. Ask yourself, “What have I been putting off that I know I should move ahead with?” Then make your plans and begin to act.

Ecclesiastes 11:4 – “Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest.”

Have a blessed day,


© 2008 – Rodney Zimmerman – All rights reserved

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