Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dream Bigger - Reach Higher

To be sure…challenging moments are a part of life. And persevering through these challenging moments is certainly what we have to do. But I don’t think we should make the mistake of lumping challenging moments into the same category as trials and tests.

What am I saying? I am saying this, that challenging moments come from taking on a dream…a vision…that is bigger than ourselves. When we take on something like this we have to know that it isn’t going to just be handed over on a silver platter. We are going to have to fight for it, we will have to take ownership of it and claim it. This doesn’t just happen. It is challenging. And it is through these moments of stretching ourselves and willfully putting ourselves in a position that forces us to grow is where we will experience the newfound strength and endurance that will allow us to dream bigger and reach higher than we had ever thought possible.

So what about trials and tests? These are attacks that are brought on by the enemy. They are put in our path to cause us to stumble. Trials and tests do not cause growth in our life. If they did we would all be spiritual giants. Think of this…how many Christians would tell you that they have never experienced a trial or a test. We all have. And many of us have experienced more than what we feel is our fair share. Yet how many of these people would be classified as spiritual giants? Not many. Trials and tests do not cause the growth in our life. We can learn from them. We can learn the patterns of the enemy and this can help us. But in the end, once we realize our position in Christ and we learn to recognize the attacks of the enemy we simply have to take authority over them and learn that we can tell the enemy where to go.

What I am saying today is that if you truly want to grow you have to step out dream bigger and reach higher than what you have previously. Open yourself up to new possibilities. Allow yourself to believe for more than what you have previously thought possible.

Dream higher today. Reach higher today. Today is the day to believe!

John 16:33 – “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Have a blessed day,


© 2008 – Rodney Zimmerman – All rights reserved

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